Boxing day (Tsunami 2004)

December 26, 2009

5 years ago, on this very day, the 26th of December, the tsunami in Indonesia broke out. It left it’s trail in another 13 plus countries and killed at least 100 000 people. As we all sit in the comfort of our homes watching tv or shop away in the busiest streets or have a little nap, family members of these victims are most probably mourning and remembering this tragedy that took away their very own loved ones. There was this documentary on history channel which just ended. It was talking about the 2004 Tsunami and what happened. 5 years, 5 years has just passed in a blink of an eye. A day after Christmas, a day when we can all admire the lovely Christmas presents that we got from our relatives and friends but to think that, others out there are still struggling over the huge lost of their sister, daughter, mum, dad and many more. This just shows how fragile life is. In just minutes, people were washed away in those powerful waves and that was probably the last time anyone is ever going to see them again. The feeling of losing a loved one, someone so close, so dear to you is terrible. Even the most cold hearted man on Earth would start to feel and tear over the loss. I’m not typing this to bring back any unhappy memories of these horrid disaster but just to pray for the survivals that they’ve regained hope and faith to continue to live on. Well, Boxing Day is really a day for us to give back to the community and to contribute to the needy and those who aren’t as fortunate as us to be able to celebrate Christmas and get presents. So why not do a little something more, reach out a little more(:

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