C’mon, give me a five!

April 25, 2009

I’m sitting here and typing this and complaining about this STUPID CRUMMY WEATHER again.
The sun’s sexy man.
It leaves me having a sweat shower and restlessness and irritation.
Gah:/ Be gone, hot hot hot weather D:

One test week.
One test week seems worse than 5 test weeks.
It’s just this constant worriment of memorizing and squeezing chemical formulas into your brain.

I bought a new green marker and it’s this really nice shade of green, so was using it the whole day(:
After school, Ailynn, Munn, Rebecca, Wanyi, Crystal and I walked to the bus stop.
Ailynn wanted to develop some of her beloved show’s pictures for ziqing so munn and I tagged along. Then the rest were going for the Ben & Jerry’s free cone day(:
Bought COOLING ice cream from Mac which was really gratifying(:

Love makes the world go round.
Babara says that I look like someone who would be an environmentalist in future. Lol. On the list of options but I think I prefer being a farmer(:
OHOHOH, Wenting, Ailynn, Zioedy and I would be working in the zoo! That’s if the zoo has given us the green light, I hope they do:D

A-trip-to-Esther’s-Grandmama’s-house Thursday.
Physics lesson with Mrs Khong was cancelled and Esther and I couldn’t decide where we should have lunch.
I said school, she said Macs.
Then I said tau huey, she said food court.
So I said, let’s just walk to the bus stop first then we’ll see how.
When we reached Macs, it was so crowded so we just went to amk hub.
Settled in the Macs over there.
After lunch, Esther asked if we could try studying chem. in Macs. But I didn’t like to study in such places, so I said, why not let’s go to your grandmama’s house?:D [Her house was just opposite amk hub]
Lalala, and we were in her grandmama’s house(:
Studied till it was time for me to go for piano.

Piano was horrendous.
What I played was not even fit for someone’s hearing and my teacher was quite disappointed with me which, made the whole lesson even worse.

Guideless Friday!
But we still had it today. The weather was NOT tolerable at all, sweating sweat.
Friday was rather crazy.
Ran 2.4 , under that scorching sun. Luckily, I survived:D
Recess was full of mischief with Esther, Giraffe and Ruth!
Went to H2H room to support this game but in the end it was so packed and stuffy so we went to old specs.
We were suppose to take pictures and then the dumb dumb Giraffe kept running away so Ruth decided to take our unglam pictures. SEE, Giraffe when you don’t be a good animal and listen to humans, this is what happens(:
&&& Giraffe and I swopped shoes! HAHA!
Then we went around asking friends to spot the difference!
Her shoes boost my height man, by like 1 inch?! Even though it was fake height, I was still happy! & my shoes made her feel like she wasn’t wearing any at all.
So we said that we would wear each other shoes till Monday, so cool right!:D

Went to Esther’s grandmama’s house again(:
I think I’m influenced by Esther man.
We cleaned the tips of our pens before and after use on this cute tissue in our pencil box. Esther also cleaned the tip of her correction fluid and I thought she was just too clean, crazy and freaky.
& then, that day, after I bought new correction fluid, I started doing that too! When the white liquid got onto the cover, I will frantically get tissue and whatnot to hurry clean it off.
Saved the correction fluid, stared into my pencil box and saw my markers and highlighter then, I just started cleaning the area near the tip. LOL. I think I tried to clean everything I could in my pencil box.

St Nicks<3 is just awesome like that(: Congrats for all the awards for SYF and competitions and UG! Like what Mrs Goh said, “When st nicks is at it’s best, no one comes close.“(:

Xiao gu’s baby is going to see her mummy, daddy, kor kor and relatives on Wednesday for the first time! Gosh, I feel so excited:D A new member to the COOL&AWESOME tan family(:

Physics Math Physics Math Physics Math Physics Math Physics Math Physics Math
I’m trying to hypnotize myself, ignore the heat then go have a cool and refreshing bath(:


aww, poor crow(:

aww, poor crow(:

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